Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Determining your skin type


How Do I know what skin type I have?

That is rather hard to answer. Usually a questionaire needs to be filled out in order to determine it or seeking out your esthetician so he or she can determine it. I can give you a few guide lines though. Generally speaking, there are 8 questions you can ask yourself or your esthetician can ask, if you/they are unsure of your skin type.

1. How many times a day do you wish you could wash your face?
2. Do you break out on your chest and back?
3. Does your makeup fade or change color throughout the day?
4. Do you tan easily?
5. Do you use face powder? If so how many times a day do you use it?
6. Do you buy products for oily, dry, or combination hair? ( which do you buy )
7. Does your face look shiny when you wake up in the morning?
8. At about what time during the day does your face look shiny after washing it in the morning?

These questions rule out just how oily you are or are not. Your esthetician will/should ask you a few more based upon the answers to these 8. Those questions will help determine your skin type further. This is why it is better to speak to a professional about it. Still, the purpose of sharing this with you here is to help you be able to buy products for your home care needs.

Skin Types

Oily skin: If you wash before bed and wake up shiny. Like wise if you wash in the morning and you have shiny skin by noon (that isn't attributed to working out or strenuous activity), If you find you need to blot your face or reapply facial powders a lot, If you have lots of pimples and black heads, Your face is shiny all over, enlarged pores all over (not just your nose), dull color, chances are very high your an oily skin type.

Note: Teens be aware - Determining your skin type is the hardest for you because there is a lot going on inside of you chemically (hormones). Please be cautious in choosing a skin care regiment. Once the hormones balance you will find that your skin issues will balance out too. It will be then that you will be able to see what skin type you truly possess.

Combination skin: Oily T zone so, forehead, nose, chin. Pimples and black heads in oily area's only. Enlarege pores in T-zone area. Cheek area is normal to dry. Chances are you have a combination skin type.
* There are two classes of combination skin: Combination to oily, and Combination to dry *

Dry Skin: If your skin is itchy, flaky, patchy, no pimples, blackheads/white heads or visible pores, may be rough feeling to the touch. Chances are your skin is of the dry type. To have dry skin means that you are lacking oil. Those with dry skin tend to have prominent expression lines and wrinkle a lot more than say someone with an oily complexion. The signs for dehydrated skin is very similar to dry skin. It is possible to be dry and dehydrated ( lacking water and oil ). There is product out there specifically for this skin type and condition. The bottles will say: Dry/dehydrated.

Normal Skin: Essentially perfect skin. You don't have any issues with anything really, you don't react to products and can wear anything. Your face is always supple and perfectly balanced.


No matter your skin type everyone can benefit from having more hydration (water) in their skin.
Next blog post I am going to get into one of the two major skin concerns that people fuss about. Oily skin types aka...acne! It is a large segment and no doubt there will be many blog posts about it to come, stay posted.

Enjoy, Life, Love, Liberty and always yourself.

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