Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oily skin Conclusion

 The End

This concludes our segment on the oily skin type!!! That was HUGE I know. That sure was a lot of information but you know, it's important. To young adults unto adults there are many things within the blog posts that you might not have known before. Either way it will help you to spend your money more wisely and put it towards things that will benefit you! We all want our money to work for us right? Young adults can go about their lives with more confidence and have the proper tools to battle their acne issues. Now that you understand your skin a bit better and know what is happening to you, you now have the proper knowledge to go about choosing the proper products and makeup for your skin now too!

After the skin care is all complete I will be moving onto makeup. It will be there that I will continue to use the skin care knowledge and transition it into makeup. If you are wondering how they directly relate to one another allow me to give you a small example.

Did you know that some people have oily skin so much to the point where it oxidizes their foundation? This is where they purchase a foundation that is their color and after about an hour or two after wearing it, it turns two shades darker! Not only does the person need to purchase a foundation that is two shades lighter but they constantly have to blot their faces throughout the day.

Did you know that there are wicked face primers out there that prevent these things from happening? Well there is! So there is a lot to look forward to even still. So what section will we be looking at next? Our next segment will be on the Combination skin type. So stay tuned!

I hope you have enjoyed your learning experience and will stick with me until the end.

Pro Vocation

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