Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Spotlight Special! Skin Conditions - Sensitive/Sensitized Skin

Condition and Sensitive Skin

We are going to take a moment to just look at the special category of the sensitive skin condition. It really does deserve a segment all on it's own. So then, let's continue on with the next bit continuing off of the last segment, we talked a little about the sensitive skin category. My question to you is this: Do you think that sensitive skin is a skin type? Or a skin Condition?

When speaking about sensitive skin, know that there are two distinct differences. There is: Sensitive skin ~ Skin you are born with.
Sensitized skin ~ Compromised skin ie. skin that is effected by external, life style, or medicine.

The Sensitized category is primarily the things I had started to speak about when talking about the 'sensitive skin category' in the last segment. When I say 'Sensitive skin', please know that I am referring to the skin type/condition as a whole. (unless stated other wise) The truth of the matter is whether or not you have sensitive or sensitized skin, the symptoms are pretty much the same. Now you are probably saying to yourself: I think I might have sensitive/sensitized skin. How do I know though?

If you are unsure, there are seven questions that can be asked to determine whether or not you have sensitive/sensitized skin. They are as follows:

1. Have you ever had an unpleasant reaction to a skin care product? If so what happened?
2. Do you burn easily in the sun?
3. is your skin irritated during the winter?
4. do you have any allergies? If so list them
5. Do natural fibers such as wool irritate your skin?
6. is your skin irritated by fragrance in cosmetics or by wearing a fragrance?
7. do you have a tendency to blush easily? Go bright red?

Remember sensitized (compromised) skin, it is NOT permanent. These seven above questions can help you determine if you have sensitive skin and whether you are born with it or not, is sort of irrelevant. Why? because either way you will be using products for sensitive skin and staying away from that in which makes you sensitive! Your heritage plays a huge determining factor as to whether or not you are born with sensitive skin. It is really just better to speak with a skin care professional about it in the long run.

Dehydration can also lead to sensitized skin, but I should think that, that makes a little sense when you think about why and how that would be. Think about a dried up sponge and then scorching it with heat (the sun) or dumping harsh chemicals on it like alcohol. Think of your face as though it were a tomato. When you wash, exfoliate, and dry your face, when you do extractions on yourself...pretend that your face is a tomato. Your face should be treated with care and a certain amount of delicacy.

Sensitive or Allergic?

There is one more thing that I want to mention before I wrap this portion up. That is the subject of the reactivity of sensitive skin or to anyone who thinks they might be allergic to something. If you put something on your face (because we are strictly speaking about the face here) and it starts to itch/burn/or sting...stop and feel. Wait for a few moments. Are the symptoms getting worse? More intense? Then it is an allergic reaction. I mean if you have hives and blister like bumps...I should also think that is an obvious allergic reaction.

However, if the symptoms seem to die's more than likely a reaction due to dehydration. I know myself, sometimes when I use products that are meant to give you deep hydration it stings a little. It goes away though. Then there are times when I will use something on my eye's and it itches and just get's worse. So remember that should that ever happen to you.


Next time I am going to talk more about determining the other skin types! Later we will talk about products for the sensitive skin type as well. Don't forget to subscribe and follow my blog so that you can get the updates as we talk further!

Enjoy, Life, Love, Liberty and always yourself.

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