Saturday, June 23, 2012

Skin care -Foreword- IMPORTANT

Welcome to the Skin Care Education section of this blog, the place where you can learn to better your skin, make positive change, and be happier. As a Skin Care specialist I aim to bring forward some of the knowledge that I have learned over the years. I am a student for life and I am always learning new things myself!

Some of you might be asking: So why would you give away such information? That is because skin care doesn't stop after seeing a skin care specialist. It is and should be, a part of your every day lives. There are things that you could be doing right now to help improve your skin! For those of you who love make up, well there's no better canvas than a clear one right?

IMPORTANT - Before I share with you some knowledge, I want to make it perfectly clear:
Take what you want of the information given to you that feels right for YOU and leave the rest. What this means is that you might not agree with everything I say. Maybe you have your own belief of truth of how things are and that is okay. You are all free to always believe what you want. I am simply sharing with you my knowledge. For free. So please, be courteous of that fact. I encourage each and every one of you to head on out, do research for yourself! Never take just ONE person's word for it. Make sure all websites are credible. ( wikipedia doesn't count ) ALWAYS follow what rings true in your heart. Do what you think is right for YOU.

So that being said where do we go from here? Well before you wander on over to the other sections of this blog, the basics need to be sorted out first. We need to begin with your skin. Another thing, I am going to refrain from using technical terms as much as possible for you. In the medical profession they use all those huge fancy terms that chalks its self up to something simple. I had to endure that in school but I am going to save you from it. So lend me those gorgeous eye's of yours and let's get started!

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