Sunday, December 9, 2012

For Our Men (updated 12/8/13)

For Our Lovely Men

Men don't have different structures than women do. They simply have more productive sebaceous glands than women. Men have worse acne than women due to it and because of their thick facial hair. Men's lines were created partially so that the packaging was masculine to make men feel more comfortable and of course to cater to their specific skin issues. Surveys have shown that most men wouldn't go into a department store and purchase something that looked too feminine for themselves. It is vital for men to get the proper skin care and so more simple packaging was created.

Go Figure

In the men's line you might find other types of ingredients from the females versions but they still do the same thing. One thing that is different are the softening agents that are in it. They aim to help with the thick facial hair. If you remember the diagram of the hair follicle you will know what I am referring to. The sebum has a harder time coming to the surface and even when it does it often is trapped. It turns into a blackhead in most cases or even papule. And don't forget men can get dehydrated too! The skin isn't any different just because they are (you are) a man.

So if you are a man and don't give a crap about the look of the packaging of the products you are buying, then great. Just remember there are products out there formulated with you men in mind. While using your counterparts products will do you just fine, you could be getting top notch care if you were using the proper products.

There is something other than packaging and ingredients that I have noticed about our lovely men when it comes to skin care. Men gravitate towards particular scents. It is funny how they can like a scent specifically for women but on themselves? It will be different.
You'll hear a man say: Floral is a nice scent...on a woman. I don't want to walk around the office smelling like roses!

 Many men seem to prefer a citrus scent. The scents chosen are either very fresh and clean (so citrus like lemon, lime, orange) or spicey/woodsy in scent. I am not saying girls don't like these scents either of course because we do! But a man clearly has a specific preference and they shouldn't go ignored. After all we want our men to take care of their skin too! ( and buy their own stuff already lol )

Let's Hear It For The Boys

You know what I love about male clientele in the skin care industry? They are so easy going! They aren't picky about their products or routine. They want only what they feel they need to know, clear and concise. They want it straight forward, uncomplicated, A to C and all in one neat package. You tell them: You use this first, this second and then this last.
They go: Great. I'll take it. Wrap it up.

That isn't necessarily the best response because they should be asking a little more questions but they don't usually. Now maybe they are like that because they are in a hell-fire hurry or they are uncomfortable? Maybe they aren't really listening? I can't be for certain but it is in my experience that when it comes to taking care of themselves, as long as the information that they are receiving makes perfect sense, they are listening. Men are so different from some women who want to swap, switch, question every detail, and sometimes act as though they are going to marry their products. Personally, I think it's the damned cutest thing when a male starts getting curious and asking all sorts of questions. I love it. Love it to bits. I wish more men would walk through the spa doors.

When I was in school I was doing research on the male consumers of this industry. I found that males actually can spend more money than females when they got serious about their appearance. They are also more loyal customers. I appreciate the straight forward, uncomplicated approach and way of thinking but that is just me. When Men find something they like and are happy with it, they don't usually question it. They stick to it and for that I love you!

So don't be afraid! To any male that might read this part I encourage you to think about your own skin and skin care needs. Long gone is the day that women think its "gay" for a male to be in a spa, taking care of themselves, or buying skin care. Now a days it's like seeing a man buy cologne. Pretty common.

Just for you

So what is my biggest tip for men when it comes to skin care? It's definitely all about the exfoliation. You need to help your follicles push up that sebum as much as possible and not allowing skin to grow over or clog up the follicle will really help. If you are not comfortable applying a day protection cream just yet, be it because of texture or because you think it's sissy, then please use a toner. Toners are usually a spray and pat kind of deal so it's very easy to use and quick. Men still need to find an even balance for their skin and a toner delivers the same benefits as it does for a woman. Hydration, balancing the skin's PH, and removing any left over product from cleansing and or exfoliating.

The professional skin care lines have also created products just for men after realizing that there was a market for it. Men were interested. I know men were secretly using their counterparts products, don't lie! Lol. Since men need a slightly different care system they answered the call. Now skin care lines even have products for shaving. So men, there is definitely some fantastic stuff out there for you because the term "Love the skin you are in" doesn't apply to just females.

Some Ideas

Here is just an example of a professional line out there that do carry products just for men.

First up is Dermalogica. Dermalogica has combined skin care and shaving into one system. This is known as the "shave system" and in it you have: Pre-shave guard, Daily clean scrub, invigorating shave gel, soothing shave cream, Daily defense block spf 15, Post shave balm, and last the Close shave oil.

They also have kits available. The products are smaller and are perfect for travel or trial. These kits come with: Pre-shave guard, daily clean scrub, soothing shave cream, post shave balm and daily defense block spf 15.

Dermalogica even has the "clean bar". There are some men who are just so traditional, they refuse to use anything specific for their face and body. They want to continue to use good old soap. If this is you, then there's something for you too! A soap-free, acid-balanced cleanser in a convenient bar form. Perfect for the gym or travel, it is formulated without artificial fragrances and colors.
* This cleansing bar can be used for both men and women so it's convenient and cost effective*

The best thing is that Men can also use products from the rest of Dermalogica's line and incorporate it into their regiment. For more please check out their website: dermalogica


Next time we will continue on with our product knowledge for the oily acneic skin type and take a quick look at Toners. Incredibly important in my books. If you have any questions don't hesitate to leave a comment. Or if you just want to talk, share, leave a comment! Show some love and subscribe.

Until next time, enjoy life, Love, liberty, and always yourself.

PK: Oily/Acneic Skin- Cleansers

When it pours. My netbooks adapter is shot and I have to replace it so updates will be sketchy. It's alright, I will do my best to ensure that each update is good and worth the wait. So...I wasn't kidding when I said the oily/acneic skin type section was huge huh!? Well we are continuing with PK (Product Knowledge) for the oily skin type. By now you should be quite well informed and should understand why I recommend some of the products listed in this section. If you don't, that's okay. It will be explained. So...let's battle on.

Product Knowledge - Oily Skin
Choosing the right cleansers for Acneic skin.

When walking down the beauty isle, it's like a nightmare! So many brands! Who to trust!? What's effective? What's junk? Which one is for me?!? Companies capitalize on our weakness, fears, and our desperation. A lot of it is truly misleading and garbage. No face wash is going to be able to "turn back the hands of time" or truly "prevent" wrinkles. If you can stop someone from unwise life style choices with a facial cleaner...okay then maybe. Further more companies count on the consumer being aloof about the ingredients used in the product. Until recently, companies didn't expect the average consumer to be to knowledgeable either. You've determined that you have the oily skin type, but how do you know what is the right facial cleanser for an oily skin type anyways? Is it enough to just read the package and as long as it says "For oily skin" then it's good?

Cleansers -

If you have acne ( and I am not talking the odd blemish here and there) your going to want a facial cleaner that contains Salicylic Acid in it. Not much is needed at all by the way! So don't worry if the percentage is quite low (3% is enough). Salicylic acid is a BHA ( Beta Hydroxy acid ) and is oil soluble. This means that it can penetrate into pores through sebum to exfoliate. It is the only BHA.

For those with acne issues your not going to want a foam or a gel because it is mild and wont aggravate. Salicylic Acid is drying, so you will have to watch and make sure that you don't get TOO dried out. That's not good either. Depending on your type of acne it will depend if you need all your products to contain this ingredient (right down to your makeup) or not. It's something that you will have to play around with.

Remember any time you feel that tight and dry feeling after a wash, it means you've dehydrated your skin too much. You must balance it. Your toner will help with this. No matter your skin type everything is about balance and always about hydration. I have said it before but I shall say it again: just because you have oily skin doesn't mean you don't need hydration because skin lacking oil is different than skin lacking water. People with an oily skin type can lack water.

While I actually do not have an issue with acne, I have used St. Ives Green Tea cleaner. I made the mistake in using a product for oily skin thinking I was an oily skin type when really, I am combination/dehydrated! (this was before going to school) Bit of a mess for my skin that was. I was so convinced that I needed products for oily skin that I even used a foundation that has salicylic acid in it! I also used a concealer specifically to cover and treat blemishes that contains it as well. I know first hand what happens to your skin, how it looks, feels, and its reactions to being over stripped. Combination skin could use this providing that they are balancing their skin with other products, OR it can be used as a spot treatment! That's right! Just dab a little of this on and leave it to work it's magic.

This product is awesome and that's why it makes my list.

The one thing I wish to stress to anyone looking to purchase products for their acneic skin and it is this: Make sure it says the words "Salicylic Acid" on the bottle. It isn't enough for a bottle to say "oil free".
All that tells you is that there isn't any oils in the product. Not that it will actually treat your existing acne problems. So if it doesn't have those words on it then it isn't going to treat your existing acne problems.

I am sure Nivea has lines with Salicylic acid in it I know Olay has it and many other labels as well. The Brand you decide to go with should be chosen from personal preference. Later I will get into CGP (Consumer Grade products) products Versus PSC (Professional skin care) products for you but for now, let's just stick to the Consumer Grade products. They are more obtainable and most familiar to us and is easiest to identify with.

 Next time we will continue on with our product knowledge for the oily acneic skin type and take a quick look at something for men and Toners. Which is incredibly important in my books. If you have any questions don't hesitate to leave a comment. Or if you just want to talk, share, leave a comment! Show some love and subscribe.

Until next time, enjoy life, Love, liberty, and always yourself.