Sunday, September 30, 2012

A word on Extractions (updated 12/6/13)

I want to take the moment to speak about extractions. I have mentioned this word a few times already. Please do not use a comedo extractor tool unless you are trained to use one. Why? Because you can damage your skin using them incorrectly.

Extracting should be done gently and with patience. If you extract your blackheads with your finger nails that leave crescent moon shapes all over your face...please stop. I cannot stress to everyone just how delicate your face really is. Doing this stresses and damages the other layers of your skin which can lead to bruising, blood, scars, brown spots. If you see blood it means a blood vessel has been ruptured. While your not going to die from this, it isn't a great thing either. Try to extract without seeing blood.

Please have someone extract for you OR if your going to do yourself use the toilet paper or Q-tip method. ALL EXTRACTIONS ARE EASIER TO DO ONCE THE FACE HAS BEEN STEAMED! What this means is the best time to do it is right after a nice warm/hot shower. This is because the heat as relaxed and opened the pores better. When you go to a spa to get extractions done, they do it after applying steam (vaporized water) to your face. ( Or a hot towel if your claustrophobic)
For the Q-tip method simply take 2 Q-tips and try to squeeze out your blackhead/whitehead. Use 2 Q-tips per blackhead/whitehead.

For the toilet paper method simple wrap a little TP around your index fingers (or whichever fingers you use to extract with) to wiggle and work your blackheads out. I prefer this method most times. It works great on the nose area too! Just be careful to not over-do it. You don't want to scab and flake the skin. When finished extracting PLEASE USE A TONER. You have caused sebum to surface by squeezing, your skin is annoyed and most likely red. Please calm it and cleanse the sebum off without having to rewash and strip your skin too much. A toner will re-balance your skin and love you for it.

Welcome to Dermalogica's scaling fluid! I do not believe that this is available for retail but if you go to a spa that carries this line or does facials with this line, you can have this. It is designed to soften the skin and dissolve sebum. This is applied with a brush to create a light foam. It is left on the skin for approximately 5-10 minutes while being steamed. When it comes time to extract, blackheads come out with great ease. It's great because it is less painful for the client to endure as extractions are not usually a relaxing procedure.

Acne Continuation Pt 3 - Types

Hey there! I know it has been quite some time since I have made a post. A lot of crazy things have happened to me in the last month and I have been adjusting to it. Either way, I wouldn't just abandon my blog.

I want to take the time to reiterate for those of you who might have missed it before. I am giving you the skin care knowledge before allowing you to see the sections on make-up and so forth first because it is important. I believe that great make-up begins with great skin. Using make-up to cover up your acne just makes it stand out more. I want you all to have great skin. I want you all to really get the best out of your make-up!

Even for you males out there that might happen upon this blog, sure not everything here will be geared towards you but there is none-the-less something here for you. Everyone can benefit from great skin and that is why my skin care section must be first and foremost. Having said that, let's continue onward!

Types of Acne

It is important to know that Acne isn't as generalized as you might think. There are many types of acne, many causes for each type and like wise specific treatments for each. There are two categories of Acneic Lessions:

1. Non-inflammatory - this governs Microcomedo, open comedo and closed comedo's
2. Inflammatory Lessions - Papule, pustule, nodule and cyst.

Tip: Did you know that there are 6 other types of acne? They are:

1. Acne Mechanica or frictional acne - Acne triggered by heat, friction or rubbing of the skin, constant pressure
2. Acne Medicamentosa - Drug(medication) induced acne
3. Chloracne - Acne created by exposure to certain chemicals and or compounds
4. (Acne) Rosacea - Sometimes called 'adult acne' and is characterized by a reddened face that never fades, thick bumpy skin with dilated capillaries, itchy or stinging bumps (acne), and flares up randomly with various triggers such as: spicy foods, the consumption of alcohol, etc.
5. Acne Cosmetica - Cosmetics that contain certain oils, chemicals, ingredients that will clog your pores and breed acne.
6. Perioral Dermatitis - A skin disorder that causes red bumps around the mouth and smile folds around your mouth and cheeks. The exact cause is unknown but many say that creams with steroids in them may be a cause.

Fact: Your sebaceous glands secret sebum (oil) to help push dead skin cells that line the walls of the hair follicle, to the surface of the skin through your pores.

Let's take a look at the two types of acne a little more in depth. What does it mean when I say "Non-inflammatory"? or "Microcomedo"? What does it mean to have either of these two categories?

Non- inflammatory= Not angered, not red, sore, burning, agitated or swollen.

Micocomedo = A tiny plug of oil and dead cells inside the hair follicle. They are microscopic in size, not inflamed and can become a problem if it reaches the next stage.

Open Comedo = Blackhead. A mixture of oil and dead cells line the hair follicle that forms a plug. As mention previously the tip goes black because it's been oxidized by the air. These can be squeezed out because it has an opening or pore. It's important to note that blackheads will continue to form even after extractions. Why? Because your going to continue to produce sebum and shed dead skin cells. This process can be helped to lesson the amount of blackheads of course, but the point is, is that your not going to get no blackheads unless you have dry skin.

Closed comedo = whitehead. It is a plug of oil that has no opening on the surface of the skin. The dead skin cells have grown over the pore. These need to be dealt with delicately actually. In a sense it is good to extract these because they can turn into papules easily. 

Inflammatory= To be angered, agitated, red, swollen, burning,

1. Papule = Red, firm, raised lesion up to 1 cm in size. Often sore to the touch. These ruptured inside the skin! The area becomes inflamed. Your capillaries dilate and bring in your white blood cells to attack all the debris so...NEVER squeeze and pick at these. Leave them alone. Spot treat with a little salicylic acid and allow your natural defenses to take care of the rest.

2. Pustule = Pus is formed from dead white blood cells, bacteria, sebum and dead tissue. You may squeeze if very gently providing it is no longer inflamed.

3. Nodule = An elevated lesion located DEEP in the dermis (skin). It's a giant papule. It feels firm when you touch it and your skin can be moved over it. It's cause by a large break in the follicle wall where oil, bacteria and dead cells leak into the dermis. Never squeeze it.

4. Cyst = next stage of a nodule. Infections been present for a while, nodule becomes soft. Pus has formed inside and is slightly liquid. Doctors often need to drain these or inject with an anti-inflammatory agent such as cortisone.

Next time I will discuss Acne Prevention. Remember, if you have any questions don't hesitate to leave a comment. Or if you just want to talk, share, leave a comment! Show some love and subscribe.

Until next time...Enjoy life, Love, liberty, and always yourself.