Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A New York Minute for teens

I just wanted to take a moment to take the chance to address those of you who either know or are going through the first stages of teen acne. Most of you will say: No matter what I wont go away! It's so bad! Break outs everywhere! 

So this little section is for you guys specifically. As mentioned in today's blog post, hormones are probably the number one contributing factor to our problems. For those in the 13-16 age range it can be a nightmare. is for anyone at any age right? To a fair degree...there isn't anything you can do.

Before you throw yourself to the ground kicking and rolling in dying despair and agony, you CAN however take preventative measures. Here is a list of things you can do to ensure that you don't trigger or worsen your acne.

1. Keep an eye on the things you eat. Make sure your easy on the dairy and fatty foods such as your meats.

2. Wash your pillow case often. Dead skin cells and oil and then bacteria build up on them. Your just spreading it all back onto your face.

3. For you girls, wash your makeup brushes at least once a month and after each use spray with 70% alcohol to clean them! This also ensures your brushes are bacteria free. Each time you touch your face, transferring oils between brush and makeup and then putting it on your face? See the method to my madness here? If you use those sponges to do your makeup...discard after the third time using it.

4. When washing your face peeps...go right up into the hair lines around the perimeter of your face! For you girls that use hair already know what I am going to say. Easy spot for acne to start.

5. Wash your face with the right products. Please be very careful that your not over drying your face. Like mentioned before it can make your condition worse if your over drying your skin! If you wipe your face with rubbing alcohol...for the love of all that's good in this world...STOP. I don't care if you think its cleaning the bacteria and you have no pimples, and you've been doing it for years, and your grandmama use to do it. Don't. It is too harsh and in the long run it will show in your later years.

6. Be mindful of how much you sit your face on your hands. I have a problem with this one. I like to veg out on my tummy, stuff my pillow under me and use it to rest my chin upon. =.=
Or those who simply rest the side of their faces on the palms of their hands. The sebum can't get out gets trapped inside the hair follicles and then BAM ... acne.

7. Ladies...wash that makeup off at night. No explanations needed. No arguing. Just do it. Too lazy? Invest in facial wipes. The three in one's are pretty good.

I think that's the major tips really. Follow those seven and you should be good. Naturally if your face has exploded with all sorts of acne then you need to see a doctor. Medication may be needed. Okay so...that's it, that's all! Until next time! -waves-

Acne Continued pt 2 - Causes

What causes acne?

There are 5 major causes of Acne Vulgaris

1. Hormonal/chemical & puberty changes
2. Hyper secretion ( an over production ) of sebum (oil) in the sebaceous glands
3. Bacteria ( NOT DIRT ) inside the hair follicle
4. Blockage of the hair follicle
5. Type of hair follicle

1. Hormonal Changes - Male hormones called androgens, secreted by both males and females, causes an enlargement of sebaceous glands. males secrete more androgens than females which is why their acne tends to be worse.

2. Hyper Secretion - Sebaceous glands are found most predominantly your scalp and face, chest and back. few glands are on our extremities, accept for the palms of your hands and soles of your feet there are none.

Some people produce a lot of sebum and some need actual medication to control this. This is where seeking out a dermatologist comes into play or your family doctor. We estheticians can treat mild to normal clients with certain facial treatments and products. How do you know if you need to seek more medical help?
When you have tried everything and yet you are covered with pimples, pustules and or blackheads.

3. Bacteria can form from the pollutants in the air and the makeup that you are not washing off your face before bed. Don't lie! You do it, done it, still do it. I know because so do I!

4. Blockage of the hair follicle - By means of sebum, dead skin cells that cause the follicle walls to burst and thus a papule is formed.For a visual look to my post titled "For those who'd like to know" and look at the diagram of the hair follicle.

5. Type of hair follicle - There are two types of hair follicles. Vellus and Terminal. Vellus hair on the face are those very "fine" soft little hairs. Well they are not strong enough to push the oil out of the hair follicle during a certain phase of the hairs growth (Anagen phase). It is because of this these types of hairs develop the most issues with acne.

Terminal hairs would be your eye lashes, your eye brows, head hair, and for males their mustaches and beards. These have an easier time pushing out the oils because they are larger. They push the dead cells to the surface of the skin more easily. On average there are less issues with acne in those areas. ( Providing that the proper measures for skin hygiene.)


This is the section I like to call additives. There are two additives in this category and they are: Genetics and diet.

When I say genetics I do not mean: Oh my father had bad acne so now I do too.
I mean genetics as if in something wrong in the hypothalamus, pituitary portion of the brain. The part responsible for hormones. Something happening in the Endocrine system through generations and can affect the body. As a result, horrible acne/skin conditions arise from underlying conditions such as over active hair growth.

When I talk about diet it is VERY important to know that you CANNOT get acne from soda or chocolate. So when I say diet, I mean consuming meats that are high in hormones and steroids, high fats. Diet can worsen pre-existing acne or stimulate new outbreaks of it. The Diet is linked closely to hormones here.

Next time I will get into the different types of Acne. Remember, if you have any questions don't hesitate to leave a comment. Or if you just want to talk, share, leave a comment! Show some love and subscribe.

Until next time...Enjoy life, Love, liberty, and always yourself.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Oily Skin/Acne

 The Oily Skin Type

*Graphic Images are spared from this segment to be suitable for all ages and preferences*

As promised we are going to get into the problematic skin type of oily acneic skin. This segment is rather large as there is a lot to cover but I promise if you stick with me, it will be worth it. know you want to stick with me. -wink-

What is Acne exactly?

Acne is a skin Condition properly known as Acne Vulgaris ( "teenage acne" ) and is the biggest concern amongst people next to anti-aging. Adults can still develop acne vulgaris as well also known as "Adult Acne". It's because researchers have found that there are various things that can cause acne! Women well into their 40's still battle acne or acne breakouts.There are quite a few things that can cause Acne. This is why I am going to begin with those of you who have oily/combination skin/acne.

Fact: "Vulgaris" is Latin for "common"

I mentioned this briefly before but I want to elaborate on this. Black heads are NOT dirt filled pores! Someone who has black heads doesn't mean that they have a dirty face or don't wash their face enough! You could scrub till the cows come home, they are still going to be there and come back. On that note though, over scrubbing your face and being too abrasive can causing damage and more breeding ground for bacteria and more acne. Those with acne ought to be very careful about which exfoliants they choose to use. After all we do not wish to upset already aggravated skin now would we? So now that I told you that blackheads are not dirt, I am sure the inevitable is being asked.

What it is a blackhead?

A blackhead is oxidized sebum (oil). The oxygen is what gives them their black tips because it is the part that is exposed, also known as an Open Comedo (plural comedones). The black tip is not a "root". Blackheads are harder in texture and is hardened oil aka Sebum. Sebum is produced by your sebaceous glands in your dermis layer (talking about your face here). 

Next time I am going to continue on with acneic skin and we will look at the causes of acne. Do be sure to subscribe to my blog and share it with others! I think more people ought to be more educated on skin care. It will make life a little easier! Until then ...

Enjoy life, love, liberty and always yourself!